NASA recently revealed (26) that it would make an exciting revelation about our natural satellite, the Moon. The disclosure of this information was made through a scientific article published in the renowned journal Nature Astronomy, where it was revealed that NASA found Water in one of the Moon's Craters.
This detected water is trapped in grains of minerals found in a lunar crater known as Clavius, which is located in the illuminated part of the Moon, that is, that receives solar rays. What differentiates this discovery from others referring to water on the Moon is exactly the fact that it was discovered on the illuminated part of the Moon, while the others were discovered on the “hidden side”, where sunlight does not reach, which “would preserve ” water in its solid state (ice).
Among the suspicions of how these water molecules got to the Moon, the most accepted theories concern comets, asteroids, interplanetary dust, etc…
Why is the Discovery of Water on the Moon Important?
But many may end up asking themselves: After all, why is it so important to discover Water in bodies outside the Earth? And why so much celebration about it?
Well, every discovery about water found on planets or natural satellites is celebrated for a very simple reason actually. Every form of life we know needs water to exist, being totally dependent on it. And one of the first steps to look in the Cosmos, if we are the only planet where life has managed to develop or not, be it complex or simple part of the existence or not of water on that planet, satellite, comet...
However, NASA's discovery of Water on the Moon only proves the existence of the substance there, since the moon does not have an atmosphere to protect this water, it was believed that all the water there had already been evaporated by the sun's rays. During the day, as there is no atmosphere on the Moon, its temperature can exceed 100°, which is more than enough to evaporate water at low pressure.
Does this mean we can go back to the Moon and start thinking about living there? No! Confirming the presence of water on the Moon is not enough to change plans or not to create a colony on the Moon. Much less to make any progress. However, it is already a start, and with enough advances to find Water molecules here on the Moon, not only can they help to find them on other planets as well.
Anyway, what do you think about this NASA discovery? Do you think it is important or is it not relevant to you? Comment and share on your networks so your friends stay in the loop!
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