The Classic Horror movie, about demonic possession The Exorcist, released in the 70's, will receive a reboot, the information comes from deadline which states that the Morgan Creek Entertainment I would be preparing something, even for the year 2021! Although there is no information yet regarding the cast, dates….
That is, perhaps none of the pre-production phases have yet taken place… Creation and elaboration of a Script, casting of a cast, beginning of filming, etc. So maybe it's just a desire to carry out a reboot for The Exorcist. But there is still the possibility that everything was taken in secret, and that everything is already well underway and that information has only now been leaked. It is worth remembering that once the producer had already stated on Twitter, that she would not do a Reboot on the Exorcist…
About The Exorcist
The Exorcist is a classic horror film released in 1973, although with little technological apparatus and without the magic provided by computer graphics (CGI) effects, it managed to leave people terrified after watching the feature, where its fame began.
Some interesting facts about the film include:
- The movie was based on True Facts: more precisely the novel written by William on which the film was based, was based on a real case. However, different from what is portrayed in fiction, the case in question was a 13-year-old boy, not a 12-year-old girl.
- The First Horror to be Nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture: The Exorcist was the first to usher in the genre's presence in the category, although not an academy favorite, only six horror films were nominated for the award in the Best Film category: The Exorcist (1974), Shark (1976), The Silence of the Lambs (1991), The sixth Sense (2000), black swan (2011) and Run! (2018). Of these, only The Silence of the Lambs won.
The film's story revolves around an actress who notices a different behavior in her daughter, and decides to call a priest who is also a psychiatrist who discovers that the girl is suffering from demonic possession. And that it was not “just any demon”.
The film was based on the novel by William Peter Blatty, and was directed by William Friedkin.
Anyway… What do you think of a possible reboot of The Exorcist? Better to leave it alone or does this work deserve a new reboot? Remembering that some sequels have already been made, but none managed to accept and appreciate the first one, considered by many to be unique. Comment and share!
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