Understand what a Codiguin Generator is, how they work and how to redeem the codes generated by them to get lots of dimas on Free Fire!
Free Fire has become one of the biggest and most played games of all time, becoming a real fever. And along with games, it's normal that you come across words and slang about the game at some point and end up getting lost. For example, Codiguin, if you don't know what a Codiguin is, check out this article, and understand everything about them!
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What is Codiguin ?
Codiguins are nothing more than codes made up of letters and numbers, which can be used to redeem in-game items. From the much-desired Diamonds, but it is also possible to get a Battle Pass, Skins, blue and red Angelic Pants… In other words, Literally everything important in the game can be redeemed through the Codes.
For example, Reward FF codes are composed of 12 numbers or letters, the first 5 being responsible for the item it can give. For example, UWRQ2 it's from Angelic Red Pants, all her codiguins will start with this beginning, the difference is in the other 7 digits.
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What is a Codiguin Generator?
Knowing the initial code of an item from the Free Fire codes, so a Codiguin generator is nothing more than a program that will generate the last 7 digits of a code for a given item. Since the initial 5 digits are not changed, the program will draw the following ones. So there is the possibility, even if it is low… But still there is the generated code working.
Codiguin Reward FF Generator
How to Redeem Codiguins in Reward FF
It's very simple and probably every Free Fire player already knows, but let's go. The redemption of codes, the codiguins, are done through the Garena Reward Redemption Site, or better known as Reward FF. Check out the step-by-step guide below to redeem your codiguins in Reward FF:
Step 1. go to the website Reward FF and log in with your Free Fire account, if you have created it with any social network (Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, etc.), just click to log in with it.
Step 2. After logging in with your account, a screen will appear with writing redeem your code (Redeem Your Code), just copy or type the code in the blank space, and click Confirm.
Step 3. Your code will be validated if the following message appears: “CONGRULATIONS“.
Ready! If your code worked, the reward will be sent straight to the game. But stay tuned, and redeem in the mail as soon as possible. After all, there is a time limit for items in the Mail, don't take the risk of losing your item because the time has expired.
Codiguin Reload Generator Game
How to Redeem Codiguin in Game Reload
The process is very similar to redeeming codes by Reward Free Fire. But if you've never redeemed through Recarga Jogo, and you're not used to it, just follow the step by step:
Step 1. Access the Recarga Jogo website and log in to your Free Fire account. Login can be done using the Free Fire ID, or using the Facebook account linked to it.
Step 2. After entering a series of recharge options will appear, select the last option: “E-PREPAG“.
Step 3. Select the recharge amount, done that you will see that some options will appear on the right to review the purchase. Note that there will open a space to add PIN Code.
Step 4. Paste, or type there, the code you got in the Game Reload Codiguin Generator, and click on the button that will appear right away: Proceed to Payment.
Ready! If your code worked, the reward will be mailed to your game.
Gift Card Generator
How to redeem Gift Card
We have listed above the 2 most popular ways to redeem Free Fire codiguins, through the Reward FF and Recarga Jogo websites. But it is also possible to recharge dimas on Free Fire through Gift Cards.
Gift Cards, translated “gift cards”, are cards, which come with a code behind them, which when added to Google Play, will give you a balance. In the same way as apps such as Google Opinion Rewards. With this balance, you can recharge within the game, often getting promotions from Google Play, spending much less, that is, getting more diamonds.
Anyway, the process to redeem a Gift Card code is very simple and easy, and it can be done either by cell phone or by computer, check out the step by step:
By the computer
Step 1. Go to the Play Store website (play.google.com), once you enter, log in if you need to on the same account connected to your smartphone.
Step 2. With the account connected, you will see on the left, a menu with some options (see the image above), select the option "Rescue".
Step 3. Enter the Gift Card code, and click Redeem. That's it, your Google Play account will now have a balance, which can be used for subscriptions and/or in-app purchases that are in the store.
By Smartphone
Step 1. Access the Google Play app on your Android smartphone. Once inside the app, then click on your Google account icon, in case your app is up to date, the icon is at the end of the search bar, next to the “microphone” to do voice search.
Step 2. After clicking on your Google account, a menu will open, so click on the option “Payments and Subscriptions“. Finally click on “Redeem Gift Card Code“.
Step 3. In the selected space, type or paste your Gift Card code, once you finish adding the 20 characters just click on the “redeem” button.
Ready! your Google account will now have a balance if everything went well with the Gift Card generator code. The Google Account Balance can be used either to make subscriptions, buy paid apps or to top up apps that are on Google Play.
Anyway, do you want more diamonds in Free Fire? Then join – 15 Amazing Apps to Get Free Fire Balance.