Make Money On Instagram? New Ways Coming Soon - News Geek

Make money on Instagram? New Ways Coming Soon

Instagram will create ways to monetize your videos and lives!

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Do you have a lot of free time, staying at home in isolation, have some creative ideas and are you looking to earn some money? Maybe you can make money on Instagram! Maybe this is possible, in addition to the forms of dissemination already known to users, future updates of the application can generate a new way to make money on Instagram.

The possibility of making money on Instagram will be introduced along with ads on the social network's video platform, IGTV. Okay, but how will this be possible and why along with ads on IGTV?

Ads on IGTV will start as soon as the user clicks on the option to watch the full video on IGTV, playing at the beginning of the video. However, throughout the year, different ways of advertising, where, when and how many times the ad will appear, will be tested.

How will it be possible to make money on Instagram?

Returning to the question in the third paragraph, how to make money on Instagram and why with ads? Good the Instagram is working on a way to both monetize your IGTV and Lives videos, and share them with content creators. It will happen in a way like it happens on YouTube.

In addition to monetizing igtv videos, it was also announced the introduction of a heart-shaped button in the lives. What is this “button” going to do? Well, the proposal is that with the use of such, as a way for the user to both encourage those who are doing the live through a payment, when using the button and the user will have their comment highlighted. With the comment highlighted, both the user will contribute to the influencer, and can use this medium to draw their attention.

Worried about seeing multiple ads? Well, Instagram also informed that it will be possible if the user wants to skip the ad, for a better browsing experience for users.

When will the news arrive?

Initially, the tools will only be available in the United States. Starting next week, the announcement of the news was made today, (27/05/20). But it should soon reach other countries.

But hey, did you like the news, do you intend to invest in earning extra money generating content for Instagram?

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Editor of the News Geek portal! I love spending time reading good comics, playing games and binge-watching series!

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