Uncontrolled Chinese Rocket May Crash in Brazil - News Geek

Uncontrolled Chinese Rocket May Crash in Brazil

Brazil is among one of the possible places where the rocket could land!

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Recently the internet went crazy with the news that an uncontrolled Chinese rocket is falling to Earth and could hit Brazil. Well, of course, the chance is small to fall in Brazil, but it exists, just as it can fall anywhere else on the planet.

At first the chances of this uncontrolled Chinese rocket that is falling to fall somewhere in Brazil was 1,86%. But a calculation was redone and that percentage went up slightly to 1.92% and I'll tell you why.

The forecast for this rocket to enter the Earth's atmosphere was at 2:17 am this Sunday, May 9, 2021. But the forecast has changed and it appears that it will happen a little earlier, at 0:06 am on Sunday (9).

The margin of error of these calculations is 21hs, in the first calculation the Chinese rocket would pass 9 times in Brazil within this margin of error. In the second calculation, an extra ticket over Brazil is added, which increased the chances of falling in the country.

Where is the Chinese Uncontrolled Rocket Most Likely to Land?

Possible Chinese rocket crash site
Possible rocket fall routes

We all know that planet earth is composed of 70% of water and 30% of land, that is, it is more likely to fall into the sea. But that doesn't mean it will actually fall into the sea, as it has about 30% to land on land.

Taking into account that it did not fall into the sea, where would be the most likely place to be hit by the rocket? Space geolocation portal Aerospace believes it has a better chance of hitting the ground west of USA, without having an exact point.

If this uncontrolled Chinese Rocket that is falling to earth hits the US, what consequences could it have in the world? We know that the US and China are major trade enemies and the US being hit by a Chinese rocket could go to shit.

However, we will not be able to know precisely what the government's reaction would be and what attitudes it would take in relation to what happened.

The impact may not be so lethal

We already know that there is an uncontrolled rocket that is falling to earth and can hit Brazil and any other country. But what much of the sensationalist media doesn't disclose is that its downfall may not be all that devastating.

When something falls on planet earth, like meteorites, they begin to fall at such a high speed that it catches fire and disintegrates. Apparently, the same can happen with this rocket, a good part of it can catch fire and disintegrate.

But even so, some part of the rocket may not disintegrate and hit the planet, causing a possible tragedy.

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Ruan Jesus

My name is Ruan Henrique and I am a writer for News Geek among other sites belonging to Grupo SED. I also have a certain skill in organic growth of profiles on instagram.

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